
Building blocks for the future with Getech and Jackson

Jason Tye

Building blocks for the future with Getech and Jackson

During the recent Flood & Coast 2023 event at the Telford international centre, our intrepid man on the ground, Jason was interviewed for the Show Report Magazine. 

Understanding the need to get young minds fully engaged with the STEM-related opportunities that lie ahead, Getech (working alongside civil engineering firm Jackson at the show) was demonstrating its range of tools aimed at school children, including its work with the LEGO  Education and the Scratch coding language. 

“We’re designing programs that allow educators to engage with children, both to promote STEM subjects, but also to help them understand what civil engineering is” Said Jason Tye of Getech. “We want children to be excited about wanting to be the engineers of the future” – Getech 

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