Google CertifiCATIOn Training
Distinguish yourself as an educator
Our mission is to empower educators to use technology in the classroom. We believe technology has a transformative impact on teaching and learning, but many teachers feel overwhelmed at the thought of integrating technology in their classrooms.
Through our training services and professional development programme, we help educators become experts with emerging technologies and leverage existing technology to meet the needs of individual learners.
Get certified to earn recognition for the work you’ve done. We offer two educator certifications so you can show mastery at the level that’s right for you.
Certification routes
We can provide training to help you achieve each certification.
Our Certification routes help individuals show what they have accomplished and distinguish themselves amongst their peers. Educators and Administrators can use these certifications to validate their different levels of mastery and expertise.

Google Certified Educator Level 1
Google Certified Educators Level 1 (GCE1) demonstrate the fundamental skills needed to implement Google for Education tools in the classroom to enhance teaching and learning.
To become a Google Certified Educator, you need to take a 180-minute certification exam, delivered online, in which you use the tools to demonstrate your skills. Depending on your experience, we have a range of training options available:
Two-day Bootcamp – For those who are new to Workspace and have no experience of using the tools. This option can also be delivered over 5 twilight sessions.
One-day Bootcamp – For those who already use at least some of the tools in their teaching, this one-day training session helps educators prepare for the exam.
Fast Track – A two-hour intensive training session designed to prepare experienced educators to take the exam.

Google Certified Educator Level 2
Google Certified Educators Level 2 (GCE2) demonstrate the advanced skills needed to integrate Google for Education and other online tools to transform teaching and learning in schools.
To become a Google Certified Educator, you need to take a 180-minute certification exam, delivered online, in which you use the tools to demonstrate your skills. Depending on your experience, we have a range of training options available:
One-day Bootcamp – A detailed look at the skills required to complete the Level 2 Certification.
Fast Track – A two-hour intensive training session designed to prepare experienced educators to take the exam.
What our cutomers say
For over 30 years we have been committed to serving our customers and partners.